Very good news from the Dominican Republic
Hi folks, there are good news from our project YOUR OWN COFFEE PLANTATION. If you are not familiar with this project you can grab detailed information from my former posts referencing this topic: posts-list and on the project’s website itself: coffee-plantation
We had announced to help the local school, located near to the plantation, to set up their brand new kitchen for the children’s catering. Together with our partner project AKTION KINDERPLÄNE we’ve pushed this very urgent measure successfully.
Actually the shell is already finished. It is constructed as a very solid building using bricks and concrete, an important prerequisite to meet all standards a proper kitchen needs.
Now that the shell of the building is complete, the children and their teachers sent us some awesome pictures we like to share with you. The set up of the interior is planned and will follow in the next weeks.
Please see the pictures below this post we've received.
You are always welcomed to join the project and/or support AKTION KINDERPLÄNE and become part of a very reliable and useful helping hand. Just drop me a line.