I intended to begin this article with that warm greeting because it perfectly describes the spirit the coffee-plantation project seeds.
We were welcomed by our interlocutors as friends, which we intentionally want to be, or better said, to become. Also we were invited into their homes, not as an act of courtesy but as a sign of sincerely meant friendship.
Bienvenido a mi casa mi amigo
Coffee Plantation
Do you remember my post Your own coffee plantation where I’ve announced a project which sounded for most people unbelievable?
The project develops perfectly and more and more people asked me for detailed information.
That was the reason I decided to create a spin-off for this project.
From now on you can read all information concerning the coffee plantation here at http://coffee-plantation.eu.
You own coffee plantation
At night, thinking deeper about the project I tried to imagine for whom this could be an opportunity, challenge or a pleasure to join this project. I don’t want to hand pick people but they must be committed to the goals and the mission. To be a shareholder means carrying responsibility.
Instantly a lot of guys came into my mind because of the variety I’ve experienced. Even if you might be a bit spoiled you can “survive”.
What is coffee
What is coffee? You already know it? Lucky guy!
I should know as well because coffee is my job, my profession and my passion. But to be honest there exists so much information about coffee I didn’t know before. So let’s dive deep in the first part of the coffee story and let’s explore the root of coffee.
Happy New Year
Only two days left… and then?
It’s NYE, a date most of us are full of hopes, new approaches and new, good, intentions for the upcoming new year.
The New Normal
Do you remember my Post Stay Tuned with Coffee Events? There’s another secret I’ve kept about staying tuned: Using ordinary business trips to broaden your horizon. Just some couple of …
Carbone Handels GmbH & Co. KG
Carbone Trading GmbH & Co. KG with more than 80 years of experience can be recognised in every single product. Me and my team are engaged day by day with …