I’m always curious about everything having a concern in the coffee business, therefore it was obvious for me to visit China once again in order to explore business opportunities and fetch inspiration. Luckily I have a German friend, living in Shanghai, who shares the same interest and helped me to organize a brief round trip through China.
HOST 2017 Review
HOST 2017, the personal review by Angelo Carbone. Attending the HOST for years Angelo Carbone is an evangelist in the coffee business and shares his thoughts with the coffee business related community…
Coffee Roasting
Coffee roasting is something special, it is a mix of intuition, science, craft, experience and passion. Therefore I like to compare coffee roasting with cooking because both are wonderful, creative activities.
Coffee Plantation
Do you remember my post Your own coffee plantation where I’ve announced a project which sounded for most people unbelievable?
The project develops perfectly and more and more people asked me for detailed information.
That was the reason I decided to create a spin-off for this project.
From now on you can read all information concerning the coffee plantation here at http://coffee-plantation.eu.
World of Coffee 2017 in Budapest
One of the most impressing and fascinating hotspots in the heart of Europe. This year hosting the World of Coffee.
Hey, I’m Dennis some of you might know me, I’m working at Carbone Trading Company.
Do you remember my post about our “MACAFE-TEAM BIG APPLE BARISTA-TOUR” to New York where we attended the NY-Coffee festival?
You may ask where is the link to the World of coffee in Budapest? It is the post about “Stay tuned with coffee events” because once again my boss Angelo Carbone offered me to join a premium coffee event, the World of Coffee 2017 in Budapest.
Coffee Blending
Welcome to the next topic of our coffee story – Blending.
So far we’ve learned a lot about the different steps of producing coffee. But we’re not at the end yet. There are some more important steps to learn in order to have our coffee in the cup.
The step we’re talking about right now has a characteristic all following steps have in common: Opinion. What do I mean? Let’s recap first. Processing, farming, harvesting, grading and the knowledge about the coffee plant are fields a lot of theoretical knowledge is dominant, what means that there exist a lot scientifically proven facts you can not discuss.
coffee grading
When talking about coffee grading, people generally refer this to coffee quality.
Literally grading means measuring the size.
Eu’Vend and coffeena 2017 in Cologne
Live coffee roasting, in my own Café!
A concept with which you meet contemporary guest’s demands. A Concept you can enhance revenue and profit with. A Concept you make yourselfes and your business unique and enables you to create your own, unique brand.
You own coffee plantation
At night, thinking deeper about the project I tried to imagine for whom this could be an opportunity, challenge or a pleasure to join this project. I don’t want to hand pick people but they must be committed to the goals and the mission. To be a shareholder means carrying responsibility.
Instantly a lot of guys came into my mind because of the variety I’ve experienced. Even if you might be a bit spoiled you can “survive”.
Coffee processing
Once coffee is harvested, or better described as, according to what we’ve learned, the cherries are picked, they go through further processing before roasted and sold.